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Eggbutt Snaffle Bit With French Mouth

This bit with double jointed action has a plate that lies across the tongue. Made of Stainless Steel

Tom Thumb Snaffle Bit

Loose rings Jointed Snaffle Mouth With 4" Side Bars.  Chrome Plated Steel Sizes: Shetland- 10.5cm Pony- 11.5cm Cob- 12.5cm Full- 13.5cm

Loose Ring Snaffle

Chrome Plated Steel  Ring Size Varies With Mouth Size  PONY- 11.5CM COB- 12.5CM FULL- 13.5CM

Loose Ring Snaffle With French Join

2 inch Loose ring snaffle with French mouth PONY- 11.5CM COB- 12.5CM FULL- 13.5CM

Eggbutt Snaffle Bit

Medium Weight Mouth Chrome Plated Steel  Cob- 12.5cm Full- 13.5cm

Blue Alloy Training Snaffle w/Roller Mouth

Superior quality 18/8 hand polished Stainless Steel with blue alloy mouth piece. The loose ring cheek has greater movement than a fixed cheek allowing it to follow the angle of...

Blue Alloy Loose Ring Training Snaffle

Superior quality 18/8 hand polished Stainless Steel with blue alloy mouth piece. The loose ring cheek has greater movement than a fixed cheek allowing it to follow the angle of...

Happy Mouth Contour Flat Bit Eggbutt w/Double Jointed Mouth

Covered With Soft, Flexible Apple Scented Plastic With Encourages Acceptance & Softness  Very Durable  Stainless Steel Centre Core To Ensure Maximum Safety & Strength 12.5cm 

Sweet Iron Loose Ring Snaffle 12.5 Mouth 75mm Rings

Sweet Iron Bits Will Rust & Become 'Sweeter" In The Horses Mouth The More They Are Used.  The Shaped Mouthpiece Will Fit Comfortably Over The Horses Tongue While The Sweetness...
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