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Mini Paddock Rug

Rugz Mini Paddock Rug  Features: 600 denier 200g of fill Stainless steel fittings Chest buckles Adjustable cross surcingles Shoulder gussets for extra movement Adjustable leg straps Neck piece for extra protection...

Mini Paddock Combo

Rugz Mini Paddock Combo  Features: 600 denier 200g of fill Stainless steel fittings Chest buckles Adjustable cross surcingles Shoulder gussets for extra movement Adjustable leg straps Neck piece for extra protection Tent...

Piccolo Mini Rug

420D Ripstop Nylon 200g Fill 70g Nylon Satin Lining Crossover Surcingle  Waterproof & Breathable  High Neck, Tail Flap, Leg Straps & Wither Protection

Rugz Choice Mini Cotton Rug

Rugz Choice Cotton Mini Rug, Specially Designed For Miniatures with A Shorter Cut & Fitted Chest. Features:  D Rings, Cross Over Stomach Straps & A Large Tail Flap Ripstop Cotton...

Piccolo Mini Cotton Rug

 Summer Rug in 18 oz Poly cotton fabric, specially designed for miniature horses and ponies. Features twin buckles at chest, shoulder pleats for ease of movement, removable leg straps, and large...

Piccolo Mini Cotton Combo

 Summer Combo in 18 oz Poly cotton fabric, specially designed for miniature horses and ponies. Features twin buckles at chest and three buckles at neck, shoulder pleats for ease of...

Mini Paddock Rug

Rugz Mini Paddock Rug  Features: 600 denier 200g of fill Stainless steel fittings Chest buckles Adjustable cross surcingles Shoulder gussets for extra movement Adjustable leg straps Neck piece for extra protection Tent...

Mini Paddock Combo

Rugz Mini Paddock Combo  Features: 600 denier 200g of fill Stainless steel fittings Chest buckles Adjustable cross surcingles Shoulder gussets for extra movement Adjustable leg straps Neck piece for extra protection Tent...
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