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Showmaster Grooming Gloves

Showmaster Grooming Gloves  These Gloves Provide A Deep Down Grooming Experience, Even On The Thickest Of Coats  Can Use On Both Wet & Dry Coats  Perfect For Washing Horses &...

Rubber Curry Comb

Traditional Large Rubber Curry Comb. Perfect For Getting Out That Winter Coat! 

Ezy-Groomer Shedding Tool

Ezy-Groomer is a safe and gentle way of removing old coats and dead hair from horses, ponies, dogs, and cats. It won't damage the coat by breaking hair off -...

Miracle Equi-Sponge

Use wet or dry - this miracle sponge will remove the deepest dirt from a horse or pony's coat. Great for areas where a traditional brush can't reach and a...
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